
Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x
Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x

  1. Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x for mac osx#
  2. Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x for mac#

It’s better to disconnect it from USB temporarily. Now let’s connect the cable to the RPi header P1. When the driver is installed, reconnect the cable to USB. Note: If you need to unload the driver for some reason, you check that the driver is loaded (by kextstat command above), and then: sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext It should print the following: Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) ħ4 0 0xffffff7f808ee000 0xb000 0xb000 nl.2303 (1.0.0d1) You can make sure that everything is installed correctly by: kextstat -b nl.2303 Note: Just in case, I made a copy of the “ ” file. Sudo cp -R osx-pl2303.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ Following the instructions I installed the driver and connected to Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x for mac#

Googling for a Prolific driver for Mac brought me to a great blog post, called “ PL2303 Serial-USB on OSX Lion”. When the cable is connected, click on “About This Mac > More Info… > System Report… > USB”. I checked the Product ID and Manufacturer on the Olimex cable. It was an unpleasant surprise because before I saw that Lion perfectly recognized other USB-RS232 hardware based on different chipsets (Microchip, for example).

Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x for mac osx#

Unfortunately, at a time of this writing, there were no drivers for Mac OSX available on the official website, and OSX Lion (10.7.4) didn’t recognize this device.

raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x

This cable provides 3.3V output levels which are strongly recommended for RPi (not 5V), and its 3 wires with female plugs can be directly connected to the RPi GPIO P1 header. It was available on eBay as Olimex USB-SERIAL-CABLE Olinuxino console cable alternative to Raspberry Pi.

raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x

I decided to buy Olimex USB To Serial Cable. The documentation about RPi peripherals says that at reset only pins GPIO 14 & 15 (TxD, RxD) are assigned to the alternate function UART. Along with other questions I wanted to try talking to RPi via a serial cable. I recently started playing to Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry pi 3 emulator mac os x